
Hiburan: ‘Arwah Ada Beritahu Serina..’ – Chef Wan Terkilan, Harap Dapat Buat Lebih Baik Untuk Bekas Isteri

Hiburan: March 20, 2020 at 07:22AM

Umum sedia maklum, meskipun sudah bercerai Dato Redzuawan atau lebih mesra dipanggil Chef Wan sangat menjaga kebajikan bekas isterinya. Malah dia sanggup menampung segala kos rawatan bekas isteri ketika sakit.

Di Instagram, Chef Wan memaklumkan bekas isterinya meninggal dunia kerana kegagalan buah pinggang, diabetes dan beberapa jam sebelum 'pergi' arwah diserang 'a mild brain stroke'.

Allah lebih sayangkannya


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Thank you for the thousand of wishes and condolences on the passing away of my x wife due to her kidney failure, diabetes and just hours before she passed away a mild brain stroke. She was hospitalised again due to her pneumonia attack and difficulty in breathing. On the day she passed away she was doing her blood diaysis when she had this stroke and difficulty in breathing. As her heart was weak she slowly start to " Nazak".

It lasted for about 3 hrs, i was there, my son but my daughter was flying back from KT. I was feverish that day so i went back to my penthouse in Ampang to take my medicine, have a shower and intended to come back to the hospital.
As soon as i took my shower i recieved the new that she had passed away from my son. By this time some of my sisters, sister in law and nieces was all there to say good bye to her. According to my son her breath just got weeker and finally it stopped.

Alhamdulilah she does not have to suffer and endured more pain and had her both leg amputated. The stroke from her brain if she had recovered would have been too complicated for me to also look after her properly. God love her and she has suffered enough with diabetes. We laid her to rest by 9am yesterday at the Ukay Perdana cementry.

From the hospital that evening segala mandi jenazah dan solat di urus while i make the arrangement to bring back her body to the Masjid Ampang. My siblings , nephew ,nieces, her sister and my kids was at the mosque all night to baca yassin, Alquran to menjaga jenazah sampai keesokan hari. Initially i wanted to take her body to my Cyberjaya home and laid her to rest in Cyberjaya sahaja. At the moment of panic i just dont know what to do. So i went to our Masjid Ampang of which over the years i have given cash donation to the mosque.

Nasib ada Ahli jawatan kuasa masjid ketika itu dan iman yg kata…
" CW jangan susah kan ini.. Since she lived here and CW selalu bantu kami let us now help u to urus semua ini."

Just get the forensic letter from the hospital and we will sent our kereta jenazah to collect her body mlm tu and just leave her to rest in the mosque with your family to look after and esoknya we arranged her funeral. Alhamdulilah

Menceritakan keadaan arwah, Chef Wan memberitahu bekas isterinya dimasukkan ke wad kerana mengalami serangan pneumonia dan sesak nafas. Pada hari kejadian, arwah menjalani rawatan dialisis dan diserang stroke menyebabkannya sukar bernafas dan nazak. Pada waktu itu dia ada bersama namun pulang sekejap ke rumah untuk mengambil ubat dan mandi.

Tidak lama selepas itu, dia menerima khabar dari anak lelaki bahawa bekas isteri sudah tiada. Alhamdulillah arwah tidak lagi menderita sakit dan Allah lebih sayangkannya. Arwah dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Ukay Perdana jam 9 pagi semalam.

Saya harap saya boleh buat lebih baik


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My daughter sent me this old photo she kept. She holding my daughter Serina who is about 6 months old while my late dad is holding my 1 year son. Both my mother and youngest sister is in the picture too.

I am going through the grief now and guilt wishing i had done more for her. But my plate is always full and working so hard over the years to sacrifies for her as well as my entire family. So its not been easy.

I took care of her the best i could for 34 years. Just before she passed away she told my daughter that i was the best x husband anyone would wish for. Always generous, caring and kind to her. May Allah ampun kan dosa2 nya dan letak kan roh beliau dgn orang2 yg beriman.

Sangat bersedih dengan kehilangan arwah, dia menerima sekeping gambar daripada Serina. Di dalam gambar itu, bekas isteri sedang mendukung Serina. Chef Wan berharap dia boleh buat yang lebih baik daripada ini. Dia bekerja keras dan berkorban apa sahaja demi keluarga termasuklah bekas isteri.

Tambah Chef Wan lagi, dia sedaya upaya menjaga bekas isteri dengan baik sepanjang 34 tahun ini. Dan sebelum arwah menghembuskan nafas, arwah ada memberitahu Serina bahawa Chef Wan merupakan seorang bekas suami yang sangat baik. Pemurah, mengambil berat dan selalu berbuat baik.

Semoga Allah mengampunkan segala dosa dan menempatkan arwah bersama orang beriman.

Sumber : Chef Wan

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